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Arthritis – more specifically rheumatoid arthritis – is a condition that affects many people throughout the United States every single year. Unfortunately, it is also a frequently misunderstood condition. There are several different types of arthritis, including rheumatoid and osteoarthritis (OA).

Arthritis – more specifically rheumatoid arthritis – is a condition that affects many people throughout the United States every single year. Unfortunately, it is also a frequently misunderstood condition. There are several different types of arthritis, including rheumatoid and osteoarthritis (OA).

Arthritis – more specifically rheumatoid arthritis – is a condition that affects many people throughout the United States every single year. Unfortunately, it is also a frequently misunderstood condition. There are several different types of arthritis, including rheumatoid and osteoarthritis (OA). The causes of each condition are different and therefore the treatment path is often different as well. However, aquatics therapy is one treatment option that is proven to be beneficial for both conditions. Before we dive into the connection between aquatics therapy and arthritis, it is important to note that one of the main distinctions between these two types of arthritis is that rheumatoid arthritis can affect patients at any age. Unlike OA, rheumatoid arthritis is not caused by the deterioration of joints, but instead by an autoimmune disorder. Due to this fact, the onset of this condition can be extremely rapid, changing a patient’s life overnight.

Enter: aquatics therapy. In the past we have gone over the many wonderful benefits of aquatics therapy for a host of conditions, injuries, and illnesses. The same benefits apply for those suffering from arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis. Classic Rehab is Grand Prairie’s leading physical and aquatics therapy clinic, providing in-depth services to patients of all different ages. It is our goal to help you obtain optimal health and wellness through one of our therapy programs. If you are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or some other condition, we encourage you to contact us today so that we can go over your options with you.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Defined as a chronic inflammatory disorder that usually affects the joints in the hands and feet, rheumatoid arthritis can result in a painful swelling that leads to bone erosion and joint deformity, eventually. Unlike OA, rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of the joints, which is why it is so painful. Unfortunately, rheumatoid arthritis can be really difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of this condition can mimic other illnesses, or they can flare up, then fade away, then flare up again sometime down the road. Once you’ve been diagnosed with the condition, it is time to look into your treatment options. In recent years, many physicians have tuned into the many incredible benefits of aquatics therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, and for good reason.

How Can Aquatics Therapy Help?

Here is a look at a few of the ways aquatics therapy can help patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis:

  • Decreases stress on joints. Water therapy is a wonderful option for people suffering from bone and joint problems – like arthritis – because water reduces the stress placed on joints through the principles of buoyancy. With decreased stress being placed on the joints, exercise is much easier and far less painful to perform, which is of great benefit to those who have lost range of motion, flexibility, and strength due to painful conditions like arthritis.
  • Reduces swelling. Yet another reason why aquatics therapy is so good for people suffering from arthritis is the result of hydrostatic pressure. This principle helps reduce swelling while also working to assist in venous return, creating a comfortable tolerable compression on the joints.
  • Strengthens muscles. With the help of water’s resistance and its buoyancy, patients suffering from arthritis can work on strengthening their muscle groups without putting added stress on the joints. Aquatics therapy provides patients with an opportunity not possible on land. Muscle strengthening is crucial to reducing pain and increasing comfort in patients with arthritis.

To find out more about our aquatics and physical therapy services, please do not hesitate to contact us right away.